Overview of New DHTMLX Gantt Libraries in Pure React, Svelte, and Vue.js


Modern business applications are often built with the help of popular JavaScript frameworks. It has given us an idea — why not develop Gantt libraries in pure React, Svelte, and Vue.js that are currently much-loved by web developers. Such solutions can help to exclude any external dependencies or compatibility issues and speed up the development process. And now we are happy to announce the release of DHTMLX React Gantt, Vue.js Gantt, and Svelte Gantt.

Let us consider the main peculiarities of these promising libraries and find out how they can benefit web developers and end-users.

Equipped with key task management capabilities

The first iterations of our native React, Vue.js, and Svelte Gantts are provided with standard feature sets that allow implementing core functions for keeping a project on track with a Gantt chart. There are three types of tasks (project, task, milestone) that can be related to one another with different kinds of dependencies.

The intuitive interface with drag-and-drop support makes it easy to manipulate all project tasks. It is also possible to complement tasks within the Gantt’s timeline with clarification remarks via tooltips and specify important project dates/stages with vertical markers.

The color scheme of Gantt chart interfaces can be defined with built-in Classic and Material skins.

Fully editable

It is really easy to introduce any change in Gantt charts built with our React, Vue.js, and Svelte libraries. Just double-click on the needed task and the appearing editing form will allow you to modify all task details — from the task description and timeframe to its relation to other project tasks and current progress.

Speedy and reactive

High speed and reactivity are the most peculiar features of our new Gantt libraries. Thanks to the fact that both components are written in purely native React, Vue.js, and Svelte, you can create Gantt charts capable of rendering thousands of tasks in milliseconds and allowing end-users to conveniently interact with them without delays. Reactivity guarantees that all timeline operations or editing actions are instantly rendered in the chart.

Completely customizable

Like all other DHTMLX products, new Gantts are 100% customizable. You can adjust all chart elements to the needs of your project, add custom HTML content in task bars, or enable read-only mode. Simultaneously managing several projects is also not a problem, as you can create several Gantt charts on one page.

Easy to start working

If you want to test our fresh Gantt components in action, it is as easy as pie. Just install free trial versions via npm and try them out in your project.

Our developers also prepared a collection of live demos vividly demonstrating all features of new React, Svelte, Vue.js Gantt libraries and examples of their usage in combination with Node.js and Go backend.

If you want to learn more details about brand new Gantt charts in pure React, Svelte, and Vue.js, check out the release article in our blog.



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