Our JavaScript Diagramming Library Is Updated to the Version 2.0


When you need to present some structured information in a vivid and understandable way, the diagramming is one of the best tool for this purpose.

Our team is working on a js diagram library, dhtmlxDiagram, to let developers have ready-to-use JavaScript diagrams, charts and graphs for their web apps. We think that our component meets all the requirements of modern and always changing web development environment. Starting from the very first release and till now we have received lots of helpful feedback, and we’re extremely inspired to improve the product.

The versions 1.x provided the ability to create and edit organization charts that are useful for hierarchical structures such as company organizations, family trees and so on.

Within our new release, dhtmlxDiagram 2.0 starts supporting much more types of diagrams such as flowcharts, decision trees, activity, network, block. etc. There is no edit mode for now, but it’s already under development, and planned on the next release (April 2018).

We invite you to explore new bright and beautiful samples that we have.

In addition to this, we’ve significantly increased the performance of the component (2 times faster!) and added export to PDF and PNG.

Read more about the update and try dhtmlxDiagram for your project.



JavaScript UI Libraries — DHTMLX
JavaScript UI Libraries — DHTMLX

Written by JavaScript UI Libraries — DHTMLX

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